I had everything I should want on my plate, and yet I was still hungry…

My parents laughed when I came home from my first job, and told them that I’d never work for anyone ever again.
But this wasn’t the tantrum of an unmotivated child, this was the voice of something deeper moving through me. I didn’t yet have the words for it, but I could feel deep within me that there was a fire beginning to burn me up from the inside out. And the more I tried to stifle it with the fluorescent lights and the skinny jeans of my cafe job, the more it grew.
I realized very quickly that this fire could not be sustained by the logical, traditional path that was laid out before me. I was hungry, and I knew I needed so much more. So I allowed this fire within me to begin leading me; kindling it, tending it, and stoking it with every seemingly nonsensical decision that I could feel was grounded in something so much bigger.
The Hunger for More—A Call Beyond Comfort
The Hunger for More—A Call Beyond Comfort 𖦹
Years later, I found myself living in a foreign country whose language I learned, building a home with the man that I’d met the first day I arrived, and cultivating a business that lit me up on every level.
And yet… I could feel the rumble of my belly. Quiet at first, then unignorable.
For somewhere along the line, I’d begun convincing myself that I had everything I should want, so I couldn’t possibly hunger for anything more. I had the picturesque relationship; the oh-so coveted offgrid lifestyle; the kind of business that lets me work from anywhere in the world — how dare I still be hungry? What I was feeling was the emergence of my Woman — the Woman within who is alive in her fire, devoted to her magic, and responsible for the size of her appetite. The Woman that lives within us all, but often remains offline, for she needs ceremony to be invoked.
What I was feeling was the emergence of my Woman —
The Woman within who is alive in her fire, devoted to her magic, and responsible for the size of her appetite. The Woman that lives within us all, but often remains offline, for she needs ceremony to be invoked. Most women spend their whole lives with their outgrown, unintegrated Girl keeping them at the kiddy table — scrounging for scraps of love, money, and attention, for she believes she is unworthy of more. But the appetite of the Woman cannot be sustained by the diet of the Girl, and I saw that I’d been letting my Girl steer my life. To bring forth the true expression of my fire that I knew I was made for, I needed to step out of the famine of girlhood and into the feral fullness of womanhood.
I didn’t need any more infographics, ebooks, or random psychic readings. As a brilliant woman with magic running through my veins, I didn’t need more information; I needed ceremony. While the modern world no longer reveres rites of passage, ritual is forever the lifeblood of a woman.
It is now through ceremony that I initiate fellow mystic creatixes out of girlhood and into womanhood through the voice of the body, soul, and spirit guides. Through meeting the Woman within, I help women calibrate to making money doing what they love, a life grounded in purpose, and the capacity to have and hold it all with ease.
when a woman trusts her power, everything changes
While I will always celebrate the material wins my clients bring me…
The new apartments, the tickets booked abroad, the money flowing in through their passion, the long-awaited breakups and the exciting new beginnings — for me, the greatest honor is hearing a woman come to me and say, “I am handling things that once would have crumbled me with ease”
There is a moment when something sparks in a woman’s eyes when she feels the thrum of her own power, and really begins to trust it. There is no greater privilege than to get to facilitate such a massive initiation of a woman fully claiming her passion, power, purpose, and path.

These women constantly blow me away with the magic we cocreate together
Helping Umi harness her creative fire so that she can channel her unfiltered magic on international stages through her voice
Recalibrating Rosie’s energy so that she can finally relax into her life and have the time to create beautiful art at her own pace
Supporting the expansion of Cheryl’s capacity so she can step into her next era of birthing her business and her second child with deeper confidence in her magic.
JM By The Numbers
⟢ 8+ years Spiritual Guide
⟢ 180k followers across social media
⟢ 500+ channeled readings facilitated
⟢ 300+ women mentored
⟢ 5mil+ souls impacted

I wake up in the middle of the night with a phrase or a song on my tongue.
I try to write quite literally anything else, but the words seem to wither on my tongue until I become brave enough to trust what wants to come through. And this is how my greatest art is created, for I am here to create something so much bigger than me that sometimes it scares me. That’s how I know it’s real.
For creative, mystic women like us, we are left with little other option than to walk the path, whether we want to choose it or not. You’re here to dance to the music that no one else hears, for that is how you create a masterpiece.
There is a story that wants to be told through me. Some days, I don’t quite know the words, but I can feel the melody, so I begin to dance with it. I let the message move through my body until I can finally sit and let it come all the way through, the words landing into place with little effort.
But other days, I don’t want to tell the story that I know has been placed upon my heart. It feels too big, too daunting, too confronting for even just my eyes to face. So I wrestle with it. I convince myself that I know better than these silly whispers I feel.
The Foundation of My Work
The Foundation of My Work ⌇
My work offers a deep permission slip to be and have it all — to be the devoted creatrix who spends her days channeling ideas for her next art piece, spends her nights getting spanked in front of a crowd, and makes money through embodying the magic of both. You don’t need the niche when you ARE the niche. Your multifaceted nature is your gift.
Endless love and light is boring and perpetual shadow work is grueling — we’re here to expand your range to dance with both the pleasure and pain of your life, so you can make more money than you’ve ever seen, make the hard decisions your soul needs, and make the gorgeous art that will change the world. In my world, we create magic through grief and giggles.
The feminine is oversaturated with discipline that turns her path into a chore. She meets herself with shame, criticism, and guilt where she needs love, curiosity, and play. I love to teach women how to weave devotion into their path so that they show up even and especially when it’s hard, not because they “should,” but because they love what they’re creating so much.

Choose Your Reclamation
Step Into Your Feral Fullness 🔥